Christine Clemmer - Awakened Mastery
Ruth Ann Angus - Yes We Can Peace Direct/Center for Ecological Evolution
Dr. Colleen Kelly - Kids' Chemical Solutions, Capturing Early Eager Learns with Chemical Comics
Maryam Naddaf, Frog Hollow Reggio Emilia, Sheng Vue Lee, Niam Gaia seeding sustainable living communities through indigenous roots revival
Lucky McCullough, Wellness Tools for Willing Souls
Brother Tetteh's Conscious Humanity Leadership Team lead by Rev. Doreene Hamilton bring the best of Growing The Empowered Child, a formula for World Peace, Team Dr. Wendy Kaveney, co-Founder of SOUL, and Rene Rawls, author of Sule, The Proverb Detective! Spring into action on a foundation of higher level.
Conversations with Love explores our body's innate "creation station" with author Maureen Walton O'Brien
April 22nd "Every Day is Earth Day" a Hawaiian pule (pronounced poolay) led by Tiare Mataoa and Paolo Burns, to mobilize climate balance actions; along with Jason D Estes, Skyelar Menard and Ritika Arya, stewards of EarthChange.org
Dr Melissa Monroe, Eastside Family Acupuncture founder and author "Mom's Search for Meaning: Grief and Growth After Child Loss"
May 22 "To Love Yourself is to Love Mother Earth" conversations in song with Dr. Edwige
June 11th "Lemurian Re-Union" conversations in equanimity with Grandma Chandra and Laurie Reyon, Standing Whale Mother
Ken W. Stone, Soul Archaeologist "Experience the Divine Within" and author of "The Resonance Experiment: The Path of Spiritual Mastery"
September 11th #1Love Peace Concert with singer/songwriter Pollyanna Bush, cosmic comic Steve Bhaerman, and intuitive, telepathic healer Grandma Chandra
September 22nd "Love is Eternal" conversations of joy with Rev. Tara Lang